Friday, June 10, 2011

Feather Hair Extensions Getting Mocked

I'm not sure what Feather Hair Extensions is doing at the center of this article but I thought it was rather dumb.

I'm so relieved — somebody finally agrees with me that feather hair extensions are not only as pervasive as a flesh-eating bacteria, but they're even more hazardous to the very foundation of this country than we could have ever imagined.

Racked has gone so far as to (sort of) claim spell-bound women are descending upon bait-and-tackle shops nationwide, wiping blood from their mouths while they ransack fly shops, knocking down anything in their wake, searching for anything they could possibly add pink food coloring to and hang from their scalps. Writer Danica Lo even asks such hard-hitting questions like if this can positively affect the ever-growing number of American vegetarians (sort of) and how the ridiculosity will inevitably force our economy to crumble, leaving us to fall victim to North Korean occupation.

New Trend: Straight Ends

"Will this coiffure craze result in a nationwide shortage of hackles? Will fly fishermen be forced to source their skinny feather things on the black market once the world's supply is decimated? Will the feather hair-extension craze decimate entire populations of specially-bred roosters? Hm, yes, probably, there's a very good chance."

On a more serious note, this trend is makes me throw up. Straight vomit. Not only do they make you appear 12 years old (something I, at 23-years-old, still struggle with), but they resemble something I would invariable see in a Ke$ha music video, and if there's anything I learned this past year, it's to dress the exact opposite of Ke$ha.

For some reason, in weeks past I've seen nothing but positive reviews on the "hot new must-have" and I feel it's my duty to the public to expose and uphold the truth. For this, you're welcome. (source)